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Gather your friends, family, and community members together to watch The Refugees of Shangri La. You can host a screening of the film at your school, community organization, library, or even your living room.  Look below for our FAQs.  And feel free to contact us with any questions.


1. Decide what type of screening you want to host based on the following categories.  Click on the box to learn more and to add the screening kit to your cart.  Each screening kits includes a DVD and a digital Screening Kit & Discussion Guide.


2. Once you purchase your screening kit, we'll be in touch to help you host a successful screening.  We can help you set up Eventbrite links, Facebook invites, and we'll even provide you with customizable promotional material.


3. Invite the director or subjects of Indivisible to attend your screening and discuss the film afterwards, either in person or over skype. Contact us for more information.  


4. Once your DVD arrives, you're all set to start sharing The Refugees of Shangri La with your community!






Host a Screening


Screening FAQ's



Do I need to purchase a license to show the film?

Yes. If you are showing the film anywhere outside your home, you are legally obligated to purchase the appropriate package and license for your institution. We review all purchases to confirm correct licensing. We want you to share the film. Please contact us with your questions and concerns and we will make something work, together!

What type of license do I need to purchase?

Here’s a quick breakdown of the licenses and types of organizations that qualify:


This license is for all higher education institutions, including public and private colleges, universities, community colleges, graduate schools, advanced degree programs, and medical education institutions. If you are a professor, librarian, or administrator at one of these institutions, you should purchase the College/University license.


This license is for nonprofits, businesses, individuals, organizations, churches, advocacy organizations, and community groups. If you’re showing the film to any kind of public or private gathering that’s not a school, library, or educational institution, you should purchase the Grassroots license.

Public Library/K-12

This license is for public libraries and K-12 schools. If you’re a librarian, teacher, administrator, or educator at one of these institutions, you should purchase the Public Library/K-12 license.

Are the contents of the package the same for all of the licenses?

Yes, the Screening and Education Kits contain the same materials—a DVD and digital screening kit & discussion guide. The difference is the license, which is based on the type of organization and usage of the film. Please see the next question for more information.

Why are there different prices for the licenses?

We offer a tiered licensing and pricing system based on the general usage for each type of organization. For example, a university may add the film to their collection and many faculty, students, and classes will check out the film over a period of time. A nonprofit may use the film for their regular programs, community outreach, fundraising, and/or marketing. A public library or school may add the film to their collection and reach a smaller number of people in their local community. Our prices are based on industry standard rates. Our goal is to make the film accessible to all types of organizations and, at the same time, create a fund flow that goes back towards the money spent to make the movie. As independent filmmakers, we rely on your support to keep producing great documentaries and making them available to the public. All of the proceeds from our sales go directly towards the telling of this story.

I’d like to show the film at multiple chapters, branches, or locations of my organization. What should I do?

The Screening Kit includes an unlimited exhibition license at one facility. This means you can show the film as many times as you’d like at one physical location, chapter, or branch. If you’d like to show the film at multiple locations, you must purchase a separate Screening Kit or Extra Facility License for each location. Please contact us about purchasing multiple kits at a discount—we offer discounts for bulk orders and even the opportunity to customize your package. We want you to have exactly what you need because we all share the same mission.


How long is the film?

56 minutes


What is included in the virtual screening kit and discussion guide?

The screening kit and discussion guide includes everything you need to set up and host a successful screening.  We include screening FAQs; tips for a great screening; a screening checklist; sample social media posts; key definitions, facts, & dates; myth busters; discussion questions and prompts; and a take action guide.  The guide is virtual because we are continuously updating it based on current events and new TAKE ACTION campaigns.


Can I have the filmmaker or subjects speak at my event?

Yes!  We would love to be there. For more information please contact us.


 If I host a community screening, can I charge admission?

Ticketing your event or asking for donations at the door is completely up to you. We are happy to share with you previous experiences. Whatever wisdom we have, is yours for the taking.




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